サービス内容 Service contents
Long-term care insurance service
This service is available to the elderly aged 65 and over. It is a condition that you receive a certification survey and meet either "Need care status 1-5" or "Need support status 1-2". (With exceptions)
Like medical insurance, you only pay a portion of the fee. You can use various long-term care services at a cost of 10 to 30% according to the income of the user. (Home-visit nursing care, home-visit bathing, day service, short stay, group home, long-term care insurance facility, welfare equipment rental, etc.)
原則として、ご自身が払う料金は1割負担となります。ご自宅や施設でのサービスや自立訓練などを受けて、地域の中で生活することを目的としています。(居宅介護、重度訪問介護、 同行援護 、行動援護 、ショートステイ、就労移行支援事業所、etc.)
Disability welfare service
This service is available to people with physical or mental disabilities or those with specific illnesses such as intractable diseases. It is a condition that it falls under any of "Disability support categories 1 to 6".
As a general rule, you will be responsible for 10% of the charges you pay. The purpose is to live in the community by receiving services and independence training at home and facilities. (Home care, severe home-visit care, accompanying support, behavioral support, short stay, employment transition support office, etc.)